ongoing project © 2009

Concept I Hannah Stegmayer

EXISTENCE is a series of art pieces in which Franz Wassermann uses slogans like e.g. “My body does not belong to me.”, “My body is a weapon.” and “My body is the battlefield.” in public space. For a performance in Innsbruck / Tyrol the artist writes the slogans on sleeping bags of soldiers and presents them in the streets of the city. In an extension of this performance, Wassermann swaps the sleeping bags with homeless people for a random object. Furthermore, the artist uses his slogans in the psychiatric hospital in Hall where he writes them on the clothing of patients and the staff. The origin of EXISTENCE is an installation entitled FREEDOM in which Wassermann presents his slogans on wooden crosses that are gathered in front of church St. Jakob in Innsbruck to give the impression of a burial site.

photos: Manuela Waibl, Alexander Halbwirth